Kate and Kylie are not in at the moment as they are travelling across the continent of South America from Rio to Lima and will not be home until April 17th 2006. If you would like to leave a message after the beep, by all means do so, but they probably won't get back to you shortly. Have a nice day!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Sweating in Rio

KATE: hello all. have arrived in hot and humid (31C at 10am) rio de janeiro. flights were good. no internet at any stopover airport (sorry mum and dad). so tiring though - 30h in total from home to hotel. have not done anything worth telling yet - went straight to bed when arrived (on a bed whose hardness i think rivals the one in chanderi dad), ate papaya for breakfast, and have just spent 1h finding a bank to get some reals to write this post. have heard some horror stories already of muggings (will spare you the details mum until i am away from rio), but suffice it to say we are returning to our hotel before dark to dump all our gear. there is apparently a band parading down a street near here tonight, so will probably visit there since tickets to the main sambodromo parade have been quoted to us as R350 (about $250). ok. that´s it, off to sit on the beach with the millions of others. Love Kate.

KYLIE: hi everyone, i have caught up on my sleep so not as tired and grumpy as before i left. getting use to the smells, and people. iam a bit more worried than katie about our safety but i am sure i will stop soon once i know that we will be ok. Off to the beach today, not sure if we are going to the carnival as the price of the tickets are over the top, but will think about it today. Katie has pretty much said everything, so we are off to the beach to do as the locals and every other toursit adn sit on the beach all day. talk to everyone soon. love you all. kylie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brillant to hear from you both - Id go to the carnival if I were you both - your only there once so make the most of it.
Enjoy the sunshine and the lovely weather as things in Sydney are pretty dull and cool today.
Take care both of you and cant wait until your next blog entry.
love Jay & Maca

Monday, February 27, 2006 9:17:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chanderi ! that hard ! How do the water temperature and rats compare ? Next place might be an Orchha.

Great to hear you got there safe'n sound - just keep it that way !

Like Jay says, you're not likely to be there again sometime soon, so go and enjoy the parade (just cut back on the souvenirs).

Love, Dad

Monday, February 27, 2006 6:33:00 PM


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